Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum as a Social Practice is a strong community-university network that supports collaborative scholarship on unique and complex curricular issues to inform public policy and pedagogy in the 21st century.

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum as a Social Practice (ICRC) collaborates across sectorial and disciplinary boundaries, to think in new ways about curriculum in schools, in our communities, and in higher education settings. The Research Centre strives to have a positive impact on curriculum development, policy and practice in ways that best serve learners of all ages. We actively promote resaerch that challenges reductionist views of curriculum, and is inclusive of previously omitted components of Canadian curricula.  

Join Us

Becoming a member of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Research in Curriculum as a Social Practice means having access to a network of researchers and practitioners, both local and international, who are seeking to do curriculum research in ways that bring various types of expertise together.

Acknowledging Territory

The ICRC acknowledges that Western University is located on the traditional territories of the Anishinaabek (Ah-nish-in-a-bek), Haudenosaunee (Ho-den-no-show-nee), Lūnaapéewak (Len-ahpay- wuk) and Chonnonton (Chun-ongk-ton) Nations, on lands connected with the London Township and Sombra Treaties of 1796 and the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum. This land continues to be home to diverse Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) whom we recognize as contemporary stewards of the land and vital contributors of our society.

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