A Week of Anti-Extractive Practices and Collective Making


Event OneGestures of the Everyday: On the Making of Anti-Extractive Pedagogies

We invite you to engage with us in considering what is possible when educational work is created with attention to both human and land-earth histories. This invitation stems from two SSHRC projects in Andean Ecuador (Cristina Delgado Vintimilla & Veronica Pacini-Ketchabaw), where, alongside women and children, we aim to create alternative relational logics amidst extractive capitalism.

What choreographies of the possible might emerge when the intersection of artistic work and pedagogy meet women and children resisting multiple forms of extractive capitalism?
What relational futures are we able to dream when land and water are considered beings that exist in reciprocity and deep interrelation?

If pedagogical work happens in the relation between memory and envisioning, what happens when pedagogy encounters the everyday lives of women and children living on Andean territory?

Event Details

June 17th, 10:30am-12:00pm, Western University, London ON


  • FEB-1139- Community Room
  • Free, In-Person

June 19th, 12:30am-2:00pm, York University, Toronto ON


  • 626 Kaneff Tower
  • Free, Hybrid (Register to receive zoom link)
  • Register Here


Event Two - Threading, Making, and Dreaming: A Collective Workshop

Join us for an evening of conversation, embroidery, and reciprocity as we listen to anti-extractive stories from the plateaus of the Ecuadorian Andes. Come and thread together minor collective dreams that might travel back into those very mountains to join their people as they resist Canadian neocolonialism.

"We embroider with our hearts because, in it, is the collective memory of the Andean ‘fabric’. We embroider images and words to link our spirit with that of our ancestors. In silence, we weave (vamos tejiendo) our thoughts and forces. As a group, we weave our struggles and testimonies of life."

Mama Sisa Pacari

Event Details

June 17th, 3:00pm-5:00pm, Good Sport Gallery and Studios, London ON


  • Free, In-Person
  • Registration required due to room capacity of 10 
  • Upon Registration through Eventbrite, participants will receive  details and updates
  • Register Here

June 20th, 7:00PM-9:00PM, Sur Gallery, Toronto ON


  • Free, In-Person (Register to receive event details and updates)
  • Register Here

Meet the speakers and workshop leads

Sisa Pacari Bacacela

Sisa Pacari Bacacela is a Kichwa woman, teacher, and knowledge keeper from the Saraguro nation in Ecuador. She has taught Andean literature, Kichwa, and natural medicine at Amawtay Wasi University and CEDEI. As a researcher and writer, she has published poetry, essays, and articles. Sisa is a defender of the Kichwa language, women's and human rights, and a Pachamama and water activist. She has had multiple roles in her professional and political life. More recently, she joined the indigenous movement CORPUKIS, Ecuarunari-CONAIE as Vice President  (Saraguru Kichwa Ayllukunapak Tantanakuy, SAKIAT). She is also the coordinator of the Network of Indigenous Educators (NIE) of Abya Yala and a member of the SEPA Network.

Valeria Leon

Valeria Leon was born in Cuenca, Ecuador where she works as an illustration and relational artist. She creates aesthetic and pedagogical projects with children in rural Andean Ecuador. Valeria holds degrees in visual arts, illustrated children's books, and pedagogy in the arts. She is interested in the makings of relational ecologies that amplify and intensify our entanglements with place and materials. Her practice is marked by sensitivity and attention to subtle aspects, allowing her to encourage reflection and expand awareness through experiences shared within a plurality of contexts.